Unleash the timeless charm and versatility of wooden flooring for your home


Solid wood and engineered wood flooring are two popular types of wooden flooring options available in the market, at Premier Forest Products we are able to offer a variety of styles and sizes.

Solid wood flooring is made from a single piece of hardwood. Solid wood flooring is best suited for ground level and above-grade installations. It is commonly used in living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms. Solid wood flooring is highly durable and can last for several decades with proper care and maintenance. It can also be sanded and refinished multiple times to restore its original beauty.

Engineered wood flooring, on the other hand, is made from layers of real wood glued together in a cross-grain pattern. This cross-grain construction makes it more stable and less prone to expansion and contraction than solid wood flooring. Engineered wood flooring is suitable for both above and below-grade installations, as well as over radiant heat systems. It is commonly used in high-moisture areas such as basements, kitchens and bathrooms. It is also ideal for installations over concrete slabs.

Solid wood flooring is more durable and long-lasting, but it is also more expensive and sensitive to moisture. Engineered wood flooring is more affordable and versatile, but it is also less durable and cannot be refinished as many times as solid wood flooring.


  • Showcases the beauty of natural grain patterns
  • Easy to install
  • Easy to clean
  • Durable and can last for decades with proper care and maintenance
  • Available in a wide range of styles
  • Good sound and thermal insulation properties

In summary, both solid wood flooring and engineered wood flooring are great options to bring character and warmth into a room. Available in a wide range of styles, to suit all tastes.


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